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How I Passed the Brokers Exam

Hey everyone! I hope you all had a great holiday season with your family and no one lost too much on new years eve. To update my journey, I am pleased to announce that i passed my exam! Ive been away from my blog for a little bit due to the holidays but I look forward to the grind this year and seeing how much success I can have. I ended up taking the test on Saturday the 23rd. Just for an idea on timeline, from someone working full time, it took me about 9 months to complete my coursework online. I signed up for the exam about 2 weeks after I completed the course to make sure I would have plenty of time to study. I went through Rockwell Institute for my coursework and they do a very good job to help you prepare for the exam. Rockwell gives you 4 different exams, covering different areas of the test, and you can take each practice exam 3 different times. My goal was to finish above 75% in my first attempt on all 4 exams since you need to pass at above 70% to receive your license. I was able to range from 75-80% on the first attempt and after studying the topics i had a tough time with I was able to achieve between 90-96% on the second attempt. The best thing you can do in my opinion to pass the exam is to just take the practice exams over and over to understand how the questions are worded and to really focus on the topics you struggled the most with. Rockwell even breaks the exams down by topic to show you how you did with each particular section. Anyways, all the studying and practice exams paid off and helped me to pass the test. They don’t tell you your score, just that you passed or failed. It only took me around an hour and a half and was pretty well set up, at least at my test center. The next step I am taking is to submit my fingerprints for background, sign up for classes for NWMLS access and then start to work on marketing myself to build up my client base. I am very excited to take the next step and start focusing on helping people find their next home. I will update you guys again when my business cards come in, should be soon! And then keep you along for my growth into this business. I wish you guys a happy new year and hope the best for everyone in 2018, lets all find a way to better ourselves even in a small way!


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